Our manifesto outlines “22 ways to build resilience and aspiration in people and communities” across five key areas. Download your copy.

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168极速赛车开奖结果历史官网 | 极速赛车最新开奖号码 号码走势 For over 200 years, Catch22 has designed and delivered services that build resilience and aspiration in people and communities.

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We work with local authorities and other commissioners to deliver more than 120 public services that meet local needs and support individuals within our communities.

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A group of people stand in front of a balcony listening to someone speak on the floor below. They all have their backs to the camera. Above them is Catch22-branded bunting.

Our impact

In 2020-2021, our teams made a difference in so many communities.

Line drawing of three people, shown using a silhouette of their head and shoulders


The Catch22 family touched the lives of more than 160,000 people across 100+ services.

Line drawing of a person sat on the floor with their head down


95% of people supported by our Young People and Families team reported improved mental health.

Line drawing of a hand holding a plant


Our Justice Services worked with 26,000 people within the custodial estate.

Line drawing of a briefcase


Across our Employability provision, 100% of commissioners were satisfied with the service.

Featured news and resources

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