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Child exploitation

Derby and Derbyshire C.A.R.E.S. launch local youth café

Close-up of a milk jug pouring milk into a small coffee cup.

Catch22’s Derby and Derbyshire C.A.R.E.S has launched a local youth café called Creative Catch, a monthly session at Staywell Derby providing a safe and vibrant environment for young people to speak to our practitioners.

The opening of the youth café will have two guest speakers this month. One of the guest speakers is also a volunteer for Derby & Derbyshire C.A.R.E.S. Sandy Ryan is a local professional boxer who dedicates some of her free time to the young people supported by the service. Sandy provides a mentoring service which encourages young people to explore their boxing interest, fitness goals or just general conversations to raise their aspirations. Aspire Wrestling Alliance will also be attending to talk about their organisation which works to support young people.

Derby & Derbyshire C.A.R.E.S Service Manager Vanya Holness said:

“After coming out of the lockdown, my team recognised more and more young people in the community that were supported by our service reported lack of opportunities to meet other young people in safe places or become involved in activities. Either it was too costly or there was nothing available.

“Creative Catch will provide a space where they can come together, engage in activities related to their diverse needs and interest allowing them to participate in decision making and freely expressing themselves.”

Support Worker, Maryanne said:

Providing young people with education around exploitation is not just a stand-alone service. Creative Catch is part of one of our three diversionary projects. These positive activities will allow us to explore opportunities for different professionals to come in and offer children and young people the advice they need or generally just explore a new activity, so we are increasing the wellbeing, aspirations, and engagement levels of young people in our community.

Derby and Derbyshire C.A.R.E.S is part of the national charity Catch22 and they have collaborated with Staywell Derby CIC to create a safe environment for children and young people they support.