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Catch22 Multi Academies Trust: Gifts, hospitality and conflicting interests policy

Three children sit on the floor with their teacher, looking at a notebook that he is holding out. Overlaid is the Catch22 Multi Academies Trust logo.

Catch22 reserves the right to amend this policy, following consultation, where appropriate.

Date of last review: June 2023

Date of next review: June 2024

What is the policy about?

This policy sets out Catch22’s rules and expectations covering how to avoid the creation of any perception of a conflict of personal and organisational interests. This policy must be read in conjunction with the Code of Conduct Policy.

Who is the policy for?

This policy covers all Catch22 employees, Trustees, and those representing the organisation, referred to as ‘staff’ in this policy (this includes agency workers, sole traders and the self employed or any worker who could be perceived as representing Catch22).

Policy statement

All Catch22 staff must ensure that your individual private or personal interests do not influence decisions made on behalf of Catch22 and that you do not use your position to obtain personal gain of any sort. Equally you must avoid creating any perception of a conflict of interest e.g. certain political activities or business interests might give rise to a perception of conflict of interests that could be anticipated – even though you may act entirely properly and not allow this to influence your behaviour at work.

It is your responsibility to declare actual and/or the potential for perceived conflicts of interest, and to strive to ensure that they do not influence judgement or practice.

You are expected to be meticulous about informing your manager of any conflicts of interest or activities which may give rise to a perception of such.

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